Issue - meetings
Biodiversity Sect.6 Reporting
Meeting: 15/11/2022 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 31)
31 Biodiversity Sect.6 Reporting PDF 110 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Biodiversity Sect.6 Reporting, item 31 PDF 803 KB
- Enc. 2 for Biodiversity Sect.6 Reporting, item 31 PDF 3 MB
- Webcast for Biodiversity Sect.6 Reporting
That the update be noted and the ongoing work associated with improving biodiversity be supported.
The Access & Natural Environment Manager presented the report which detailed how the Council was making progress in delivering its biodiversity duty under Section 6 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016. The report explained the Council’s Biodiversity Duty Delivery Plan 2020 – 2023, ‘Supporting Nature in Flintshire’ and the progress of action to deliver objectives, highlighting key areas of biodiversity work within the County. The report also included the statutory Section 6 report which would be submitted to Welsh Government in January 2023 at the end of the second 3 year reporting round.
The Access & Natural Environment Manager provided background information and reported on the key points referring to the 6 objectives and the progress made in delivering action to meet the Plan’s 20 actions under the objectives (Appendix 1).
Councillor Mike Peers commended the Access & Natural Environment Manager and his team on the success of schemes undertaken in the community citing the ‘wild meadows scheme’ as an example.
Councillor Chris Dolphin also spoke in support of the ‘wild meadow’ scheme but said some concerns had been raised regarding a risk of fire due to exceptionally hot and dry weather and long grass. The Access & Natural Environment Manager acknowledged the point made and explained that overall, due to the small areas concerned and monitoring of local climate conditions, it was felt that the benefits outweighed the potential risk. He gave reassurance that there was flexibility to mow the area if needed at any time.
Councillor Chris Bithell spoke on the work of the Planning Service and the ways in which planning could help with biodiversity.
Councillor Dan Rose raised concerns about the loss of habitat. He commented on the loss of green spaces and hedgerows due to planning development and on other services provided by the Council which used pesticides and other methods of control. He asked if there was recording in place to monitor the impact. The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment & Economy) advised that the points raised by Councillor Rose could be addressed in the Monitoring Report which would sit alongside the LDP and could be addressed at Planning Strategy Group.
Councillor David Healey spoke on the importance of bio-diversity at a local level referring to Town and Community Council involvement.
The recommendation in the report was moved and seconded by Councillors Roy Wakelam and Mike Peers.
That the update be noted and the ongoing work associated with improving biodiversity be supported.