Issue - meetings
Review of Procurement Thresholds for Quick Quotes/Single Supplier Quotes
Meeting: 29/09/2022 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 11)
11 Review of Procurement Thresholds for Quick Quotes/Single Supplier Quotes PDF 98 KB
To seek approval
to amend the current thresholds from £10k to £20k set
within the
Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) to proceed with the purchases of
goods, services or works following receipt of one quote and also to
allow use of the Quick Quotes
functionality of the Proactis
e-tendering system for quotes up to £20k instead of the
current threshold of £10k.
Additional documents:
(a) That suspension of the current £10k threshold and increase to £20k until a full review of the CPR’s were undertaken in line with new Legislation be supported; and
(b) That use of the Quick Quotes functionality of the Proactis e-tendering system for quotes for goods, services, or works, up to £20k instead of
The current threshold of £10k, be approved.
The Chief Officer (Governance) provided background information and explained that due to increased ‘Market costs’, the Collaborative Procurement Service led by Denbighshire County Council had received requests from multiple service areas to explore the option to raise the threshold for one quote and use of quick quotes. Approval was sought to suspend the current threshold of £10k set within the Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) to proceed with the purchases of goods, services, or works, following receipt of one quote demonstrating value for money.
Approval was also sought to amend the current thresholds from £10k to £20k set within the Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) to proceed with the purchases of goods, services, or works, following receipt of one quote and to allow use of the Quick Quotes functionality of the ‘Proactis’ e-tendering system for quotes up to £20k instead of the current threshold of £10k.
Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson asked what the officer level/grade was at which single quotes for the purchase of goods, services, or works, could be placed up to £20k. The Chief Officer explained that appropriate authority would be delegated to an officer by the Chief Officer for the relevant service which would vary according to the portfolio of responsibility. He advised that there were specified thresholds at higher levels within the Contractual Procedure Rules (CPRs).
Councillor David Coggins-Cogan sought clarification of the data provided in section 1.04 of the report. He said he was in agreement with the threshold being raised to £20k but queried the need to suspend the current £10k threshold and increase to £20k until the approval and publication of revised CPR’s in 12-18 months’ time. The Chief Officer responded to the concerns raised.
The recommendations in the report were moved and seconded by Councillor Steve Copple and Councillor Arnold Woolley
(a) That suspension of the current £10k threshold and increase to £20k until a full review of the CPR’s were undertaken in line with new Legislation be supported; and
(b) That use of the Quick Quotes functionality of the Proactis e-tendering system for quotes for goods, services, or works, up to £20k instead of
The current threshold of £10k, be approved.