Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2023-28

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Council Plan 2023-28 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

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As in the recommendation.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report and explained that the Council Plan for 2023-28 had been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the key priorities of the Council for the five-year term of the new administration.


The ‘super-structure’ of the Plan comprised of seven priorities and relevant sub-priorities.  The seven priorities took a long-term view of recovery, projects and ambitions over the next five years.


The Chief Executive added that the Council Plan 2023-28 could be published in a similar format to previous years, identifying actions aimed at achieving the Well-being objectives, priorities and sub-priorities.  National and regional issues/risks which could impact on the achievement of those priorities would be identified and monitored.


Part 2 of the Council Plan would be considered by the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees to ensure full coverage of Part 1 of the Council Plan 2023-28 and its respective measures and their targets.


Members welcomed the report, particularly the emphasis placed on well-being of residents.




That the Priorities, Sub-Priorities and Well-being objective of the Council Plan 2023-28 be agreed.