Issue - meetings

Review of the new Waste Collection Service

Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 255)

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As recommendation. 


The Executive Member for Waste Management introduced the report to inform Members of the outcome of the review of the new Managed Weekly Collection Service and to seek approval of the proposed Improvement Action Plan in respect of the service. 


The Executive Member explained that following a debate at full Council on 31 January 2012, a review of the service was brought forward and was undertaken by service related officers in conjunction with officers from Corporate Services to ensure the process was objective and provided meaningful outcomes.  She reminded Members that introduction of the new full service on 7 November 2011 had reduced landfill by 720 tonnes per month compared to the same period last year.  Surveys had been undertaken of Members, Town & Community Councils, Customers and Employees and the responses provided feedback on key areas such as workforce/training, policy and communication.  A workshop had also been held for Members and the issues and suggestions from the survey and the workshop were built into the Improvement Action Plan which was attached as Appendix 4 to the report.  It would be integrated into the Streetscene Service Plan and a further report would be presented to Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to enable the progress made by the service to be considered in six months time. 


The Chief Executive gave his congratulations to all involved in the service which he said had faced a number of challenges.  The number of complaints had reduced to pre-launch levels approximately 12 weeks after the rollout in November 2011, which he welcomed.  Members were reminded that a report on the issue was also to be considered by full Council later that day.     




(a)       That the Executive confirms that the review process has met the Terms of Reference stated in 2.06 of the report;


(b)       That the Improvement Action Plan shown in Appendix 4 for the service resulting from the review be approved;


(c)        That a further report on the progress made against the Improvement Action Plan be considered at the Executive meeting in October 2012.