Issue - meetings

Overview & Scrutiny Terms of Reference

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Flintshire County Council (Item 47)

47 Overview & Scrutiny Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees be approved: and


(b)       That the reference to Clwyd Pension Fund, under the heading Corporate Resources, be amended to read ‘as an employer/member of the Pension Fund’.


The Head of Democratic Services presented the report to seek approval to the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees.  He provided background information and said the proposed changes to the terms of reference were shown in appendix 2 of the report.


The Head of Democratic Services explained that the new proposed terms of reference were considered by each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees at their meetings in July 2022, where specific changes were presented.  In response to questions around matters that fell within the remit of one or more Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Members were advised that the decision as to which Overview and Scrutiny Committee would consider it would be resolved by the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee, but that it would be possible for Members of both Committees to take part in consideration of a relevant report. Following consideration of the report each Overview & Scrutiny Committee supported the proposed amendments to its terms of reference.


Councillor Rob Davies moved the recommendation in the report and this was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge. 


Councillor Richard Jones referred to page 123 of the report and proposed that the reference to Clwyd Pension Fund, under the heading Corporate Resources, be amended to read ‘as an employer/member of the Pension Fund’ to give clarity around the Council’s role.  The amendment to the recommendation was agreed by Councillors Rob Davies and Bernie Attridge. 




a)         That the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for each of the Overview & Scrutiny Committees be approved: and


(b)       That the reference to Clwyd Pension Fund, under the heading Corporate Resources, be amended to read ‘as an employer/member of the Pension Fund’.