Issue - meetings

'Shared Purpose - Shared Delivery' - Welsh Government Consultation on Integrating Plans and Partnerships

Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 243)

243 'Shared Purpose - Shared Delivery' - Welsh Government Consultation on Integrating Plans and Partnerships pdf icon PDF 61 KB

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As recommendation. 


The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to provide an overview of the consultation on the proposed statutory guidance produced by the Welsh Government (WG) on integrating plans and partnerships ‘Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery’ and to endorse the responses to the consultation. 


The Chief Executive explained that this was an important WG consultation document and added that the 12 week consultation period set by the WG was due to end on 30 March 2012.  The comments detailed in paragraphs 3.11 and 3.12 would form the Authority’s response to the WG if supported by Members. 




That the comments outlined in 3.11 – 3.12 as the basis for a consultation response to the Welsh Government be supported.