Issue - meetings

Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) update report

Meeting: 18/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Corporate Joint Committee (CJC) update report pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendations, with the additional resolution of:


(3) That the comments from Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report and explained that the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 gave Ministers the power to create a new type of regional body called a Corporate Joint Committee (CJC).  Ministers had mandated the creation of four CJCs across Wales, each having the same four functions: economic well-being; preparing a Strategic Development Plan; transport and improving education.  The precise governance arrangements for each CJC were to be settled by the body itself.  He provided a similar example being GwE, the Welsh Education Consortia, and the arrangements for them having representation at Education and Youth Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Chief Executive added that progress had been made in line with transitional plans and expectations, and appendix two to the report provided a detailed update on work to transfer the lead officer from the North Wales Economic Ambition Board into the CJC for a time limited period.


The report had been considered at the meeting of Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee the previous week where there had been some opposition in principle to the creation of a CJC.  They also noted the secondment of the lead officer from the North Wales Economic Ambition Board.


Also appended to the report was a copy of the letter received from the Minister for Finance and Local Government.


Councillor Roberts suggested a third resolution be added, that the comments made at the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted, which was supported.




(a)       That the ongoing work to develop the regional Corporate Joint Committee be noted and supported;


(b)       That the proposed secondment of the Economic Ambition Board Portfolio Director from the North Wales Economic Ambition Board in the CJC up to March 2023 be supported; and


(c)        The comments made at the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee be noted.