Issue - meetings

Flintshire Housing Need Prospectus

Meeting: 14/12/2022 - Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 13)

13 Flintshire Housing Need Prospectus pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Additional documents:


That the Committee note the content of the Flintshire Housing Need Prospectus.


Prior to consideration of the item, Councillor Bernie Attridge had requested legal advice on whether the report should be considered in open session.  The Head of Democratic Services had sought legal advice from the Chief Officer (Governance) who had confirmed that no information contained within the report should be exempt from discussion in open session.  The Chief Executive advised that the report had been considered by the Committee in October 2021 and was broadly the same report.


Councillor Attridge said that whilst he thanked officers for the advice, he did not accept that the information in the report should have been made public prior to consultation with local Members.


The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager introduced the Flintshire Housing Need Prospectus which had been reviewed and updated.  The format and content had not changed significantly to alter the direction of travel set out in its first iteration.  The changes identified in the report reflected the increasing demand for Social Housing from the housing register and homelessness duties.


The Chair raised concerns around the development listed for Hawarden/Aston which was outside the settlement boundary and had been met with negativity in the past from residents during pre-application advice.  Councillor Attridge spoke in support of the concerns and said that Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) should be working alongside the Council and understand what the Council expected of them as partners.


In response, Councillor Sean Bibby, Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, asked that a meeting be arranged between himself and all RSLs to ensure that the Council’s priorities for development were aligned to the Housing Prospectus and the LDP.    


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Bernie Attridge, and seconded by Councillor Geoff Collett. 




That the Committee note the content of the Flintshire Housing Need Prospectus.