Issue - meetings

Quarter 3 Performance Review 2011/12

Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 247)

247 Quarter 3 Performance Review 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

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As recommendation.  


The Executive Member for Corporate Management introduced the report to note and consider the 2011/12 Quarter 3 service performance reports produced at the Head of Service/Divisional level under the business model of the Council and to note the progress and updates included in the report. 

The Chief Executive highlighted paragraph 2.02 which provided details of the new format for quarterly reporting introduced from quarter 3 following its pilot by the Housing Service. 


Red/Amber/Green (RAG) Status had been used as an assessment of the progress for each improvement priority against scheduled activity and as an assessment of the level of confidence at this point in time in achieving the ‘outcome(s)’.  Analysis of the performance against the Improvement Targets was also undertaken using the RAG status.  The Chief Executive highlighted paragraph 3.05 which summarised the overall assessment against the secondary priorities and paragraph 3.08 which provided analysis of 33 of the 34 Improvement Targets reported quarterly.  He also advised Members that for the 2010/11 the whole outcome agreement payment had been made to the Authority by Welsh Government.  




(a)       That any specific issues outlined within the report be referred to the appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for management action ; and


(b)       That the following be noted:-


·        The progress made against the Improvement Priorities of the Council by the individual services;

·        The update of the Strategic Assessment of Risks and Challenges (SARC) contained within the performance reports;

·        The progress made against the Improvement Target Action Plans contained within the performance reports;

·        The progress made against the service plan; and

·        The assessment of any regulatory reports with regard to the work of the service.