Issue - meetings
Mid-Year Performance Monitoring Report
Meeting: 12/01/2023 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 71)
71 Mid-Year Performance Monitoring Report PDF 109 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Council Plan 2022-23 Mid-Year Performance Monitoring Report, item 71 PDF 3 MB
- Webcast for Mid-Year Performance Monitoring Report
(a) That the Committee supports levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of priorities as at mid-year within the 2022/23 Council Plan;
(b) That the Committee endorses and supports overall performance against 2022/23 Council Plan performance indicators as at mid-year; and
(c) That the Committee is assured by explanations given for those areas of underperformance.
The Chief Executive presented the monitoring report to review mid-year progress against Council Plan priorities identified for 2022/23. This was an exception-based report focussing on areas of performance not currently achieving their target.
Overall this was a positive report with 70% of performance indicators (PIs) having met or exceeded their targets (green). Of those reporting under-performance against target (red), only one was relevant to this Committee and related to the number of digital learning sessions provided, under the Poverty theme.
The Chairman remarked on the outturns for the completion of new Council homes and Residential Social Landlord (RSL) homes which were below target. His comments on improving recycling performance by raising awareness and encouraging residents had been raised at the recent Environment and Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting.
The recommendations were moved and seconded by Councillors Bernie Attridge and Bill Crease.
(a) That the Committee supports levels of progress and confidence in the achievement of priorities as at mid-year within the 2022/23 Council Plan;
(b) That the Committee endorses and supports overall performance against 2022/23 Council Plan performance indicators as at mid-year; and
(c) That the Committee is assured by explanations given for those areas of underperformance.