Issue - meetings
Consultation on the Reform of Business Rates
Meeting: 22/11/2022 - Cabinet (Item 80)
80 Consultation on the Reform of Business Rates PDF 93 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Consultation on the Reform of Business Rates, item 80 PDF 68 KB
- Webcast for Consultation on the Reform of Business Rates
As detailed in the recommendation.
Councillor Mullin introduced the report which provided information on a Welsh Government (WG) consultation seeking views on a wide range of improvements to Business Rates.
The Procurement and Revenues Manager explained that the proposals included:
· More frequent revaluation cycles
· Improving the flow of information between government and ratepayers
· Proving WG with more flexibility to amend reliefs and exemptions
· A review of reliefs and exemptions
· Providing greater scope to vary the multiplier
· Improving the administration of valuation functions
· Further measures to tackle rate avoidance
The report provided a series of recommended responses on the improvement proposals, which were appended to the report, to specific questions posed by WG.
That the proposals of the Welsh Government consultation be considered and the Revenues and Procurement Manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance and Corporate Services including Health and Safety and Human Resources, be authorised to respond to the consultation questions as outlined in the report.