Issue - meetings

MTFS & Budget Setting 2023-24 (Stage 2) (S&HC OSC)

Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 34)

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget Setting 2023-24 (Stage 2)

Additional documents:


(a)         That the Social Care portfolios cost pressures be noted;


(b)         That the Social Care portfolios options to reduce budgets be noted; and


(c)          That the Committee advises on any areas of cost efficiency it believes should be explored further.


Exclusion of the press and public was moved by Councillor Owen and seconded by Councillor Robert Davies.


                      A presentation was provided by the Chief Officer (Social Services) which covered the following areas:-


·           Reminder of the Council’s Budget Position

·           Social Services Cost Pressures

·           Social Services Budget Reductions

·           Social Services – Past Efficiencies

·           Adult Social Care – Risk, Issues and Resilience

·           Children’s Services – Risk, Issues and Resilience

·           Safeguarding and Commissioning – Risk, Issues and Resilience

·           Out of County Cost Pressure

·           Budget Procedure – Stage 2

·           Budget Procedure – Stage 3 (Final)


Following the presentation, officers responded to questions raised by Members.


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Owen.




(a)         That the Social Care portfolios cost pressures be noted;


(b)         That the Social Care portfolios options to reduce budgets be noted; and


(c)          That the Committee advises on any areas of cost efficiency it believes should be explored further.