Issue - meetings
063500 - General Matters - Development of land to provide Lodge/Chalet to include single storey & two storey lodges and a site office
Meeting: 23/11/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 30)
As in report
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for 063500 - General Matters - Development of land to provide Lodge/Chalet to include single storey & two storey lodges and a site office, item 30 PDF 2 MB
- Webcast for 063500 - General Matters - Development of land to provide Lodge/Chalet to include single storey & two storey lodges and a site office
Resolved that the Council should take the stance of recommending to PEDW that the application should be refused for the following reasons:
- The Local Planning Authority considers the proposal comprises an undesirable form of development, which by virtue of its scale and siting, would be at odds with the surrounding rural character, resulting in an absolute change to a currently undeveloped area of land and significant expansion of built form into the countryside contrary to Policies STR7, GEN1 and T4 of the Flintshire UDP; and
- It is considered that the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the zone of essential setting of the Grade II* Listed Soughton Hall Historic Park and Garden, resulting in an incongruous form of development that negatively impacts on the historical character and setting of the historic park, conflicting with Paragraph 6.1.18 of Planning Policy Wales and contrary to Policy HE5 of the Flintshire UDP.