Issue - meetings

Welsh in Education Strategic Plan for Flintshire 2012-2015

Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 245)

245 Welsh in Education Strategic Plan for Flintshire 2012-2015 pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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As recommendation.


The Executive Member for Education introduced the report to seek approval on the draft Welsh in Education strategic plan for Flintshire County Council.   


A forum had been set up to undertake the work and numerous working group meetings were held which were linked to specific outcomes within the plan.  The draft Strategic Plan was submitted to the Department for Education and Skills in December 2011 and a Member workshop session was held in January 2012.  To date no feedback had been received from the Welsh Government.  Councillor Steele-Mortimer reminded Members of the need to adopt the plan by 1 April 2012. 


The Director of Lifelong Learning commended the positive approach which had been undertaken by the Partner Organisations and by the elected Members in the forum and the workshops.   




(a)       That the progress made in the drafting and production of the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) for Flintshire be noted; and


(b)       That the approval of the draft strategic plan pending feedback from the Department of Education and Skills (DfES) be noted.