Issue - meetings
Delivering public services in the 21st century, an overview
Meeting: 25/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 156)
156 Delivering Public Services in the 21st Century, An Overview PDF 125 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Johnson introduced the report and said at its meeting in July 2022, Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee requested a future agenda item to explore the financial benefits of outsourcing and shared services.
Outsourcing and shared services were just two models of alternative delivery of services. To provide a holistic overview, the report provided a summary of a wider selection of alternative delivery models which were detailed by Councillor Johnson.
The report also highlighted the need to consider broader core principles, and surrounding legislative requirements, when reviewing any service with consideration for a potential change in delivery model.
The Chief Officer (Governance) provided details of where alternative delivery models had been used, citing NEWydd and Community Asset Transfers. The report had been submitted to Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee where it was positively received.
(a) That the different models that can be used as alternatives to deliver services be noted;
(b) That the wider factors, such as legislative parameters and core principles, which need to be observed when considering the delivery of services through alternative delivery models be recognised; and
(c) Cabinet be assured that the Council considers all appropriate alternative delivery models, and the benefits and limitations of these, as part of a broader options appraisal when reviewing services.