Issue - meetings
Flintshire Armed Forces Day and the creation of an Armed Forces Community Covenant
Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 249)
249 Flintshire Armed Forces Day and the creation of an Armed Forces Community Covenant PDF 36 KB
Additional documents:
Add ‘Covenant’ to 4.01 (ii) at end, otherwise as recommendation.
The Leader and Executive Member for Finance & Asset Management introduced the report to update Members on the possibility of the Council hosting an Armed Forces Day event in Flintshire, and the adoption of an Armed Forces Community Covenant.
The Leader detailed the background to the report and explained that it was important to recognise the Armed Forces Community. Events were currently held annually in Cardiff and one had recently been held in Caernarfon.
The Chief Executive explained that this was an Executive function but reminded Members that a report was also being submitted to the County Council meeting later that day. He explained work which would be undertaken including exploring whether other events could be held in different parts of Wales in addition to the annual event in Cardiff. Discussions were also being undertaken on whether the regional event held in Caernarfon could be rotated with an event in Flintshire. The report set out the Council’s approach for the creation of the Community.
The Democracy & Governance Manager advised Members that the word ‘Covenant’ had been omitted after the word ‘Community’ in paragraph 4.01 (ii). He advised the Leader and the Executive Member for Lifelong Learning they did not have personal interests arising from their previous military service.
(a) That the Council’s intention to submit a bid to host the 2013 event be noted; and
(b) That the approach to create an Armed Forces Community Covenant be endorsed.