Issue - meetings
Capital Programme 2011/12 (Month 9)
Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 250)
250 Capital Programme 2011/12 (Month 9) PDF 81 KB
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As recommendation.
The Leader and Executive Member for Finance & Asset Management introduced the report to provide Members with the latest capital programme information for 2011/12.
The Leader detailed the background to the report and highlighted the table on page 271 which set out how the programme had changed during 2011/12. The revised programme had decreased from £40.690m to £38.048m and the reasons for this were detailed in paragraph 3.01.2. The detailed cumulative information relating to each programme area was provided in Appendix A and a summary of the changes during the reporting period were shown in Appendix B. The ‘Not Yet Committed’ budgets were detailed in paragraph 3.03 and details of rephasing were reported in paragraph 3.04 and Appendix C. Capital Expenditure against Profiled Budget was reported and the significant variances (greater than £0.025m) were listed in Appendix D, along with the reasons for such and the required remedial actions.
The Corporate Finance Manager highlighted paragraph 3.07.5 on the announcement of additional grant monies from Welsh Government of £479,428 for Capital Maintenance and Investment in Schools which had been announced on 21 February 2012.
The Director of Environment welcomed the steps forward and said that recorded capital expenditure across the whole programme stood at 56.65% of the revised budget compared to 38.51% at month 9 in the previous year. He added that recorded expenditure of £21.553m represented 96.62% of the profiled budget total.
(a) That the report be noted and approved;
(b) That the carry forward of £0.133m for the DDA compliance works at Buckley Westwood CP School to the 2012/13 capital programme (Section 3.03.4) be approved; and
(c) That the rephasing adjustments as detailed in Section 3.04 be approved.