Issue - meetings
Growing Places and HFT
Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 37)
37 Growing Places and HFT PDF 114 KB
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That the Committee notes the progress made through the partnership with Hft and supports extending the contract as per the extension clause.
The Commissioning Manager introduced the report giving an update on the Learning Disability Day and Work Opportunities Services and the current contractual situation with a partner organisation called Hft. Hft were a nationwide, charitable organisation with a 5 year contract to deliver the service with the Council effective from February 2018 with an option in the contract to extend for a further 2 years until January 2025. They provided meaningful activities across several day centres and work environments and also provided respite for people that used services, and for their families and carers. The service supported people to learn new skills, prepare for paid and voluntary employment, promoted independence and the development of social networks.
The Chief Officer (Social Services) explained that Hft was a financial success similar to Double Click and had brought in huge added value from their own resources both financially and creatively. The reinvigoration of the group of services was startling as some of the services needed to be renewed which they had, eg Hwb Cyfle being the centre piece. He made reference to point 2.02 in the report and stated that the renewal of the contract should reflect that non-TUPE staff should be considered for inflationary increases along with other running costs.
Councillor Mackie thanked the Chief Officer (Social Services) for his comments and appreciated that all information could not be given in the report as it was commercially sensitive but suggested that all the information that he had just verbally given should be included in the report in order to agree the extension of the 2 year contract.
In response the Chief Officer (Social Services) took his point on board and hoped that the 2 year extension was confirmed and then more detail of their success would be discussed at a later date.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Mackie and seconded by Councillor Gladys Healey.
That the Committee notes the progress made through the partnership with Hft and supports extending the contract as per the extension clause.