Issue - meetings
Delivery of Housing Renewal Services - 6 monthly update
Meeting: 27/03/2012 - Executive (Item 259)
259 Delivery of Housing Renewal Services - 6 monthly update PDF 65 KB
As recommendation.
The Executive Member for Housing introduced the report to update Members on delivery of the Council’s first Neighbourhood Renewal Area, to inform Members of progress towards the appointment of a loans administrator, to deliver equity and non equity loans for home repair, improvement and adaptation, and to provide Members with up to date information in relation to private sector empty homes and the £5m empty homes recyclable loan fund recently announced by Welsh Government.
The Executive Member commented on the second phase of the Group Repair Scheme and said that to date 120 properties had been surveyed and a further 29 were awaiting survey. On Environmental Improvements, she highlighted paragraphs 3.12 to 3.14 which reported the good work achieved though the partnering arrangement with Groundwork, the works recently completed and the projects due to be completed shortly. To date, the Council had received in excess of 200 applications to participate in the Community Energy Savings Programme; it was a requirement that the scheme must be completed by 30 September 2012. Agreement had been reached with DeesideCollege and their construction department that a series of work placements would be provided by the contractors for students over the course of this academic year which the Executive Member felt would be an excellent opportunity for the students. The proposed contract term for the loans administrator was three years with an option to extend on an annual basis in years 4 and 5. Paragraph 3.32 detailed the activity of the loan administrator and the Executive Member explained that Flintshire’s fee was approximately £26,000 over the duration of the three year contract. The proposals had been fully supported when they had been considered at a recent meeting of the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Chief Executive welcomed the programme and the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Environment felt that the skills partnership with DeesideCollege was excellent and was to be commended.
(a) That the update on the delivery of the Council’s first Neighbourhood Renewal Area be noted;
(b) That Members support in principle the appointment of Street UK LTD and the proposal to provide £300k from the Housing Capital Programme during 12/13 so that they can provide this resource as loans; and
(c) That Members note the announcement of the Empty Homes Recyclable Loans Fund and the work that is ongoing to ensure the efficient delivery of this fund.