Issue - meetings
Adoption of the Model Ordinary Language Guide to the Constitution and updates made to the National Model Constitution.
Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Flintshire County Council (Item 74)
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Adoption of the Model Ordinary Language Guide to the Constitution and updates made to the National Model Constitution., item 74 PDF 180 KB
- Enc. 2 for Adoption of the Model Ordinary Language Guide to the Constitution and updates made to the National Model Constitution., item 74 PDF 481 KB
- Webcast for Adoption of the Model Ordinary Language Guide to the Constitution and updates made to the National Model Constitution.
(a) That the role descriptions in the draft Model Constitution should be subject to consultation with relevant Members, before the updated constitution is adopted at the Annual General Meeting; and
(b) That the ordinary language guide be approved for adoption at the Annual Meeting, subject to a final document and cross reference comparison with the draft constitution to ensure accuracy and consistency between those documents.
The Chief Officer (Governance) presented the report to recommend adoption of the ordinary language guide and updated Constitution following the work undertaken by the working group appointed by the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee. He provided background information and advised that the working group had considered the draft model ordinary language guide to the constitution and revisions to the draft updated Model Constitution and had reported back to the meeting of the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee held on 12January 2023. The Committee resolved to make the recommendations as detailed in the report to Council.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to Appendix 1, paragraph 1.2 (iii), and suggested that the sub-paragraph be deleted as he felt that the role of Elected Members as advocate and support to Council was already dealt with in paragraph (ii). The Chief Officer (Governance) noted the amendment and explained it could be included in the first recommendation in the report if adopted.
When put to the vote the following recommendations were carried.
(a) That the role descriptions in the draft Model Constitution should be subject to consultation with relevant Members, before the updated constitution is adopted at the Annual General Meeting; and
(b) That the ordinary language guide be approved for adoption at the Annual Meeting, subject to a final document and cross reference comparison with the draft constitution to ensure accuracy and consistency between those documents.