Issue - meetings

Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24, Treasury Management Policy Statement, Practices & Schedules 2023-26

Meeting: 23/02/2023 - Flintshire County Council (Item 87)

87 Treasury Management Strategy 2023/24, Treasury Management Policy Statement, Practices & Schedules 2023-26 pdf icon PDF 151 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Treasury Management Strategy for 2023/24 be approved;


(b)       That the Treasury Management Policy Statement 2023 to 2026 be approved; and


(c)       That the Treasury Management Practices and Schedules 2023 to 2026 be approved.


The Corporate Finance Manager presented the draft Treasury Management Strategy for 2023/24 in conjunction with the Treasury Management Policy Statement and Treasury Management Practices and Schedules 2023-26 as appended.


No significant changes had been made to the Strategy since the previous year and no specific issues had been raised following consideration by the Governance & Audit Committee and Cabinet.


The recommendations were moved by Councillor Bernie Attridge and seconded by Councillor Linda Thomas.




(a)       That the Treasury Management Strategy for 2023/24 be approved;


(b)       That the Treasury Management Policy Statement 2023 to 2026 be approved; and


(c)       That the Treasury Management Practices and Schedules 2023 to 2026 be approved.