Issue - meetings

Timings and schedule of Council meetings and meeting format

Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Flintshire County Council (Item 75)

75 Timings and schedule of Council meetings and meeting format pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:




(a)       That the recommendation that Planning Committee meetings be held in ‘Hybrid’ format from 1March 2023, be approved.


(b)       That Council awaits a further report from the Constitution & Democratic

Services Committee on the implications of hybrid working and a long-term

Multi-Location Meetings Policy; and


(c)       That when meetings of the Council  are held in the afternoon the morning beforehand is kept free to enable Members to have preparation time for Council.



The Democratic Services Manager presented the report.   He referred to the survey which had been undertaken during November and December 2022 to seek the views of elected and co-opted Members on whether meeting arrangements should remain as they currently are or to change timings to include evening meetings.  Views were also sought on the preferred format of meetings (hybrid or remote). 


A summary of the results of the survey was presented to the Constitution & Democratic Services Committee on 12 January 2023.  The Committee agreed to set-up a working group to consider the responses and undertake a review of the interim Multi-Location Meeting Policy before making any recommendation to Council about changes to the meeting format and adoption of a long-term policy.  The Democratic Services Manager advised that the Committee had recommended to Council that the Planning Committee be held in hybrid format as soon as possible.


Councillor Mike Peers proposed that when meetings of the Council were held in the afternoon no meetings or workshops requiring Members’ attendance were scheduled in the morning beforehand to enable Members to prepare for the meeting of Council.  This was supported by Councillor Richard Jones.


Councillor Dennis Hutchinson asked that consideration be given to starting meetings of the Council at 1.00 pm.


Speaking in support of the proposal that the Planning Committee be held in hybrid format, Councillor Richard Lloyd asked that consideration be given to  meetings being held at the Council’s offices at Ty Dewi Sant, Ewloe.


Councillor Hilary McGuill expressed concerns around the resource implications for providing meetings in hybrid format and asked if costings could be provided.  The Chief Officer explained that a working group had been appointed to consider the time and resources required to provide meetings in hybrid format and the impact on the Democratic Services Team.  The working group would report back to the Constitution and Democratic Services Committee on its findings and the options available. 


Councillor Ian Roberts suggested that consideration be given to meetings of the Council being held in the Delyn Committee Room, County Hall.


The recommendations in the report were moved and seconded with the addition of a third recommendation that when meetings of the Council are held in the afternoon, the morning beforehand is kept free to enable Members to have preparation time for Council.




(a)       That the recommendation that Planning Committee meetings be held in ‘Hybrid’ format from 1March 2023, be approved.


(b)       That Council awaits a further report from the Constitution & Democratic

Services Committee on the implications of hybrid working and a long-term

Multi-Location Meetings Policy; and


(c)       That when meetings of the Council  are held in the afternoon the morning beforehand is kept free to enable Members to have preparation time for Council.