Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Financial Business Plan

Meeting: 24/01/2023 - Flintshire County Council (Item 70)

70 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) 30 Year Financial Business Plan pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Additional documents:




(a)       That the HRA 30-year Financial Business Plan and budget for

2023/24 as set out in this report and attached approved; and


(b)       That consideration be given, in year, to utilise available reserves to bring into use void properties across Flintshire.



The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) introduced a report to present the draft HRA 30 year Financial Business Plan and the proposed HRA Budget for 2023/24 for consideration.


A presentation was given by the Chief Officer and Corporate Finance officers which covered the following:


·         HRA Business Plan 2023/24

·         where does the HRA funding come from?

·         where the money goes – HRA running costs

·         how our costs compare to other stock holding Authorities – value for money

·         rent setting

·         proposed rent inflation

·         rent impact on tenants at 5% rent uplift

·         rents – impact of setting rents lower than permitted under the rent policy

·         service charges

·         additional HRA budget requirements for 2023/24

·         HRA Capital Programme

·         decarbonisation

·         HRA Capital Funding

·         prudential borrowing

·         reserves


The recommendations in the report were moved by Councillor Sean Bibby and seconded by Councillor Hilary McGuill.


Councillor Helen Brown commented on the issue of void properties which she said was at its highest and asked what had been done to address the problem during the last two years and how the increasing trend had impacted the business plan.  


In response to a request from Councillor Mike Peers the Corporate Finance officer gave an overview of how nearly £300k in efficiencies had been achieved in the HRA.


Councillor Bernie Attridge expressed concerns that service charges were to be deferred for existing tenants but did not apply to new tenants.  He also commented on the issue of void properties and emphasised the need to use surplus funds in year, as a matter of urgency, to reduce the number of empty properties in Flintshire.


The Chief Officer (Housing and Communities) provided explanation around the costing of service charges for tenants.  In response to the questions and comments concerning void properties, the Chief Officer gave the figure for the last 12 months and said the figures for the last two years could be provided following the meeting.  . 


Having been moved and seconded, the following recommendations were put to the vote and carried.




(a)       That the HRA 30-year Financial Business Plan and budget for

2023/24 as set out in this report and attached approved; and


(b)       That consideration be given, in year, to utilise available reserves to bring into use void properties across Flintshire.