Issue - meetings

Admissions Consultation 2024/2025

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 143)

143 Admissions Consultation 2024/2025 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Additional documents:


As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Roberts introduced the report which was to advise on the outcome of the statutory consultation exercise on the admission arrangements for 2024/25 and to recommend approval.


Consultation must cover the full admission arrangements including the

admissions policy, oversubscription criteria, the timetable for admissions

and admission numbers (i.e., the maximum number of pupils to be admitted

by the admissions authority into each year group). The information was appended to the report.


The current admission arrangements had been in place since 2003 and

the majority of parental preferences continued to be met (approximately

96%). The number of admission appeals in recent years was detailed in the table in the report.


The consultation process took place between 13th January 2023 and 3rd February 2023 and no comments were received. There were no changes proposed to the admission arrangements. The proposed admissions timetable had been drawn up in consultation with neighbouring authorities and took into account factors such as allowing parents sufficient time to visit/research schools and express their preferences, the time needed to process applications, etc.


As part of the consultation, Headteachers were asked if there had been any changes to the accommodation at their Schools which could necessitate a review of their Admission Number. No requests had been received. There were changes to the capacity and admission numbers at a number of schools as a result of extensions and/or new builds, and those figures were appended to the report.




That the proposed admission arrangements for 2024/25 be approved.