Issue - meetings
Council Plan 2023-28
Meeting: 20/04/2023 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 95)
95 Council Plan 2023-28 PDF 101 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Council Plan 2023-28 Part 1: An overview of the Well-being Objectives, Priorities, Sub priorities and their definitions, item 95 PDF 175 KB
- Appendix 2 - Council Plan 2023-28 Part 2: How achievements will be measured - Supporting Actions, Measures and Risks, item 95 PDF 297 KB
- Webcast for Council Plan 2023-28
(a) That subject to the comments, the Committee receives and notes the Council Plan 2023-28 Part 1 and Part 2 documents that outline the actions, measures and risks that underpin the Priorities, Sub-Priorities and Well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28; and
(b) That the comments made by the Committee be referred to respective Overview & Scrutiny committees and Cabinet for consideration.
The Chief Executive presented a report on the refreshed priorities, sub-priorities and well-being objectives within the Council Plan for 2023-28 which reflected a long-term view of recovery, projects and ambitions over the period. Part 2 of the Council Plan was being considered by Overview & Scrutiny committees to ensure full coverage of Part 1 and its respective measures and targets, prior to adoption by County Council.
Under Learning Environments, Councillor Bill Crease highlighted the development of a school modernisation strategy within the Saltney area by March 2024. He referred to previous plans for work at St. David’s High School which had not been progressed due to site issues and commented on the urgent need to develop further proposals to improve conditions at the school.
Under Green Society and Environment, Councillor Sam Swash asked why reference to forthcoming legislation on councils establishing their own municipal bus companies was not included in actions for the Active and Sustainable Travel Options sub-priority.
The Chief Executive reported that further information on the changes had not yet been received from Welsh Government. He agreed that some reference could be included and would refer back to the Chief Officer.
The following points were raised by the Chair to be referred to the relevant Overview & Scrutiny committees and Cabinet:
· To review the rationale for removing sub-priorities on Empty Properties, Renewable Energy and Spending Money for the Benefit of Flintshire.
· Income Poverty - to consider the timeliness of actions, particularly bullet-point 7 on maximising benefit entitlement.
· Child Poverty - to clarify how outcomes could be controlled and measured where external grant funding was involved.
· Housing Support and Homeless Prevention - whether the amended wording to ensure homelessness “is rare, brief and non-recurring” could be viewed as lowering that target.
· Net Zero Carbon Council - to consider whether wording on actions being “central to Covid-19 recovery” should apply to this five year Plan.
· Climate Change Adaptation - query on how Flood Risk Management could be controlled and measured if this service was outsourced and also no mention of renewable energy projects.
· Transport Connectivity - disagreed with the second bullet-point on supporting the establishment of Corporate Joint Committees.
· Independent Living - clarity on how ensuring children had the best start in life could be measured.
· Safeguarding - questioned the lengthy period to prepare for the implementation of the new Liberty Protect Safeguard procedures.
· Educational Engagement and Achievement - to consider an earlier target date to develop options to support the rising number of pupils struggling to engage with education due to mental health issues.
· People - to clarify whether implementing a ... view the full minutes text for item 95