Issue - meetings
NEWydd Business Plan 2023/24
Meeting: 20/04/2023 - Corporate Resources Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 99)
NEWydd Business Plan 2023/24
Additional documents:
- Restricted enclosure 2 , View reasons restricted (99/2)
- Webcast for NEWydd Business Plan 2023/24
That the Committee notes the strategic risks facing the business and the Business Plan 2023/24, which includes the mitigation of the risks identified, and commends the Business Plan to Cabinet.
The Chief Executive introduced the annual Business Plan 2023/24 for NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Ltd for consideration prior to submitting to Council for formal approval.
Steve W Jones, the Managing Director of NEWydd Catering & Cleaning Ltd, provided a summary of the key elements of the Business Plan along with financial pressures identified for 2023/24 with associated mitigating actions.
In response to questions from Members, the Managing Director and Strategic Finance Manager (Commercial and Housing) provided clarification on responsibilities and financial arrangements.
The recommendation was moved and seconded by Councillors Bill Crease and Rob Davies.
That the Committee notes the strategic risks facing the business and the Business Plan 2023/24, which includes the mitigation of the risks identified, and commends the Business Plan to Cabinet.