Issue - meetings
Social Services Annual Report
Meeting: 08/06/2023 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)
9 Social Services Annual Report PDF 114 KB
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That the Committee approves the draft report, which includes the key developments of the past year and our priorities for 2023/24.
Before introducing the report, theChief Officer (Social Services) gave credit to Marianne Evans and Dawn Holt for writing the report which he described as an enjoyable, interesting and positive read which was collaborated by the feedback received from Members.
He reminded Members that the report was produced as a statutory requirement as legislated in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014. He asked the Committee to support the draft as he intended to take it to Cabinet on 20th June rather than 18th July to allow time to publish bilingually.
Before opening up to Members for any comments, the Chair stated that he found structure and detail most refreshing.
Councillor Mackie commented that the first ever report that was done 10 years ago was aimed at the regulator as well as the public who both had different requirements but this report, which was really well written, had covered everything and that he was amazed at how many initiatives had come forward in that time.
Councillor McGuill emphasised that when it was time to look at the budget, there was a need for more money than they had now as all of the initiatives were where the money was being spent.
The recommendation within the report was moved and seconded by Councillors Gladys Healey and Mel Buckley.
That the Committee approves the draft report, which includes the key developments of the past year and our priorities for 2023/24.