Issue - meetings

Flintshire Provider Services – Regulatory Issues, Service Effectiveness and Development

Meeting: 02/03/2023 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 52)

52 Flintshire Provider Services – Regulatory Issues, Service Effectiveness and Development pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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That the Committee accepts the report and notes the requirements of the role of Responsible Individual.


The Registered Manager Resources and Regulated Services introduced the report as in his role as a Responsible Individual for Flintshire and explained that it was his job to ensure the quality of care provided to services, to meet the statutory guidance as set out in the Regulations and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 (RISCA).  Each Service area has to provide its own statement of purpose and are inspected and monitored on an annual basis by Care Inspectorate Wales.


The services covered were:-


·           Older People’s residential care homes – Marleyfield House, Llys Gwenffrwd and Croes Atti

·           Extra Care Housing – Llys Eleanor, Llys Jasmine, Llys Raddington, Plar Yr Ywen

·           Older People’s Community Support – Holywell, Deeside and Mold localities

·           Short-term respite for people with a learning disability – Hafod and Woodlee

·           Supported Living – 17 houses across Flintshire

·           Children’s Services T? Nyth, Park Avenue and the small Group Homes


In response to questions raised by the Chair, the Registered Manager Resources and Regulated Services confirmed that both resident and tenant meetings took place but at a recent inspection he had requested Managers to increase attendance to access a broader cross-section of people, as the same 5-6 people were always attending.  Catering staff were now included as a result of the work they had done to improve the quality.  He confirmed that the average increase of £80 per week to the service charges was correct due to the cost of living rise and that he was in conversation with Clwyd Alyn and Wales & West and had requested that the rates were reduced as the cost of living crisis changed.  He advised that they consulted with all tenants prior to the increase and that the Financial Assessment Team had been to see the tenants to make sure they were receiving the right financial support. He added that the cost of a standard one-bed apartment had increased from £240 to £320 per week and would cost slightly more for a 2-bed apartment when further questioned by Councillor Wren.


The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Dave Mackie and seconded by Councillor Mel Buckley.




That the Committee accepts the report and notes the requirements of the role of Responsible Individual.