Issue - meetings

HyNet Carbon Capture Project; Carbon Dioxide Pipeline and Consenting Process Update

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 142)

142 HyNet Carbon Capture Project; Carbon Dioxide Pipeline and Consenting Process Update pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       That the Council’s response to the Examining Authority with respect to the Local Impact Report on the HyNet Northwest Carbon Dioxide Pipeline be delegated to officers in consultation with the Cabinet; and


(2)       Responses relating to providing comments on the Statement of Common Ground, providing Written Representations, addressing questions and any matters arising as part of the subsequent Examination and during hearing sessions to be delegated to the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy).



Councillor Bithell introduced the report and explained that Liverpool Bay CCS (Carbon Capture Storage) Limited (the Developer) was proposing to construct and install a new carbon dioxide pipeline between Ince, near Stanlow, (Cheshire) and Flint, and repurpose an existing natural gas pipeline between Flint and Talacre (the ‘Connah’s Quay to Point of Ayr Pipeline’). That project was known as the HyNet North West Carbon Dioxide Pipeline and was considered to be a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). The consenting process was different for an NSIP and an application had been made under the Planning Act 2008 for a permission known as a Development Consent Order (DCO) to construct and operate the proposed Carbon Dioxide Pipeline NSIP.


Integral to the HyNet North West project was the redevelopment and works at the Point of Ayr Gas Terminal, works between the Gas terminal and the Mean Low

Water Spring mark, and the construction of three Blocked Valve Stations along the

existing ‘Connah’s Quay to Point of Ayr Pipeline’. The developer would seek consent

for those works under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


The report sought delegated authority to allow officers to respond to matters arising during the examination of the NSIP, represent the Council in the hearings, provide a response on the Statement of Common Ground, answer questions that arose, and to provide a Local Impact Report.


This report provides details on the project, the two consenting processes and the role of the Local Planning Authority.


The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) said there was an amendment to the recommendation to remove the words “Member for Planning, Public Health and Public Protection” so that it was in consultation with the Cabinet.  This was supported.  He explained that the purpose of the report was to seek consent to respond to the local impact report which would allow objective information to be submitted to the Inspectors.


A series of briefing sessions would be arranged, commencing with Cabinet.


Councillor Healey thanked the officer leading on the work for the session provided to Members.




(a)       That the Council’s response to the Examining Authority with respect to the Local Impact Report on the HyNet Northwest Carbon Dioxide Pipeline be delegated to officers in consultation with the Cabinet; and


(b)       Responses relating to providing comments on the Statement of Common Ground, providing Written Representations, addressing questions and any matters arising as part of the subsequent Examination and during hearing sessions to be delegated to the Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy).