Issue - meetings

Annual Audit Summary for Flintshire County Council 2023

Meeting: 14/06/2023 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 9)

9 Annual Audit Summary for Flintshire County Council pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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That the Committee is assured by the content and observations of the Auditor General for Wales’ Annual Audit Summary Report for 2022.


Carwyn Rees of Audit Wales presented the Annual Audit Summary which summarised the findings of audit, regulatory and inspection work undertaken at the Council by Audit Wales (AW) during 2021/22.  Overall this was a positive report with no formal recommendations made during the year.


The Chairman asked about future work on financial resilience and was advised that detailed financial audit position work would be scheduled towards the end of 2023/24.


When asked by Councillor Bernie Attridge about ‘A Missed Opportunity - Social Enterprises’, it was explained that this was a national piece of work involving extracting common messages from a sample of councils.  Councillor Attridge asked how this could benefit Flintshire and in response, the officer agreed to review the report and liaise with the necessary officers to establish if this could be incorporated into the Audit Plan.


Sally Ellis referred to the Audit Wales report which reviewed the Council’s arrangements to secure value for money in the use of resources.  Carwyn Rees advised that the draft report would shortly be shared with the Council and it was agreed to include on the forward work programme for the Committee.


The proposal was moved and seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge and Sally Ellis.




That the Committee is assured by the content and observations of the Auditor General for Wales’ Annual Audit Summary Report for 2022.