Issue - meetings
Report back from the Call In of Decision No. 4056 - Waste Strategy Review
Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 144)
144 Report back from the Call In of Decision No. 4056 - Waste Strategy Review PDF 111 KB
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- Enc. 1 for Report back from the Call In of Decision No. 4056 - Waste Strategy Review, item 144 PDF 2 MB
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- Webcast for Report back from the Call In of Decision No. 4056 - Waste Strategy Review
(1) That the decision of the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee call-in meeting with regard to Record No 4056 Waste Strategy Review be noted;
(2) That a further period of monitoring over the next four months, to see whether recycling rates can be improved through education and enforcement, be approved; and
(3) That a further report be brought back in September.
Councillor Hughes introduced the report and explained that a decision of the Cabinet – Record No 4056 “Waste Strategy Review” had been called in.
The call-in meeting of the Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee was held on 1st February 2023.
He said that having considered the decision, the Committee chose Option 3, to refer it back to the decision-making person or body (i.e. Cabinet) for reconsideration. Cabinet had considered the decision taken and the comments made and the decision taken was that for four months (March, April, May and June 2023) waste would be monitored and if there was evidence of a significant decrease in recyclable waste placed in the black bins then Cabinet would re-look at the proposal for three weekly collections.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) said recycling targets still needed to be met to avoid the risk of the Council receiving a substantial fine from Welsh Government (WG). She added that 50% of what was placed in black bins was recyclable, with 27% of it being food waste. There would need to be a significant improvement in recycling by residents to achieve the 64% target in 2022-2023 and 70% by 2024-2-25, alongside the Council carrying out enforcement and running education campaigns.
Councillor Healey supported the proposal put forward by Councillor Hughes.
Councillor Roberts expressed his thanks to the Flintshire residents that did engage with the Council on waste and recycling. If the recycling targets improved there was no desire by the Cabinet to introduce three weekly collections and he urged the residents of Flintshire to help to improve the recycling rates. If black bins were overflowing, it would indicate that there was recyclable material in there and enforcement would be considered.
(a) That the decision of the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee call-in meeting with regard to Record No 4056 Waste Strategy Review be noted;
(b) That a further period of monitoring over the next four months, to see whether recycling rates can be improved through education and enforcement, be approved; and
(c) That a further report be brought back in September 2023.