Issue - meetings

Bereavement Services

Meeting: 07/03/2023 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 67)

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(a)       That Scrutiny notes the current capacity levels at each of the county’s

cemeteries and notes the need to increase capacity at critical sites;


(b)       That Scrutiny supports an application for additional capital funding for the

progression of Hawarden No. 2 cemetery extension;


(c)        That Scrutiny supports proposals to provide additional burial capacity within Buckley Cemetery and approves the future submission of a capital funding application; and


(d)       That Scrutiny approves the further exploration of alternative burial and

cremation options as a means to support future cemetery capacity, subject to available funding.



The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) provided background information and advised that the purpose of the report was to provide an update to members on the existing burial capacity within Flintshire cemeteries and give an overview of the options for reviewing and increasing capacity. 


The Transportation Manager presented the report.  He invited the Bereavement Services Manager to provide an overview of the remaining burial capacity at both Hawarden No. 2 and Buckley cemeteries, which was at a critical level with only four years left at each cemetery.  He advised that two separate projects aimed at providing additional capacity at each of the locations were being progressed and gave an update on developments.  He also reported on the alternative solutions, which could assist the current pressures and constraints associated with requirement for burial and the options that offered improved environmental benefits.


The Chair commented on the remaining capacity in Hawarden and Buckley cemeteries and asked how many requests for burial were “new requests” or were connected to existing family plots.  Officers agreed to provide the information following the meeting.  The Chair  asked whether there was sufficient existing land available in the county to expand provision and expressed concerns around the need to purchase additional land. He referred to the Local Develoment Plan (LDP) and whether this held any sites.


Councillor Chris Bithell asked if the Council had a policy on ‘stacking’ burials and the reasons for the preference for burials over cremations.  The Bereavement Services Manager also responded to the questions and comments raised by Councillor Dan Rose on provision in neighbouring authorities, funeral costs and promotion of options available, the potential to utilise land in closed cemeteries, long term planning around the impact of demography and new and future housing developments, and timescale on the use of burial plots for family members.


The recommendations in the report were moved and seconded by Councillors Bernie Attridge and Roy Wakelam.




(a)       That Scrutiny notes the current capacity levels at each of the county’s

cemeteries and notes the need to increase capacity at critical sites;


(b)       That Scrutiny supports an application for additional capital funding for the

progression of Hawarden No. 2 cemetery extension;


(c)        That Scrutiny supports proposals to provide additional burial capacity within Buckley Cemetery and approves the future submission of a capital funding application; and


(d)       That Scrutiny approves the further exploration of alternative burial and

cremation options as a means to support future cemetery capacity, subject to available funding.