Issue - meetings
Response to the Welsh Gvernment consultation on implementing the Penn Review
Meeting: 15/05/2023 - Standards Committee (Item 5)
5 Response to the Welsh Government consultation on implementing the Penn Review PDF 90 KB
To respond to the consultation paper issued by Welsh Government with their proposals for implementing the Penn Review.
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Response to the Welsh Gvernment consultation on implementing the Penn Review, item 5 PDF 135 KB
- Webcast for Response to the Welsh Government consultation on implementing the Penn Review
That the draft response to the Welsh Government consultation on implementing the Penn review be agreed.
The Monitoring Officer presented the report and provided background information. He referred to the recent workshop, which all members were invited to attend, to discuss the consultation and said the views expressed at that meeting had been combined with those of the Committee to prepare a draft response to the consultation. The draft response to the Welsh Government consultation on implementing the Penn review was appended to the report for approval.
Ian Papworth referred to the response to Question 3 in the draft response concerning anonymity of witnesses. He commented that there was no restriction on the defendant not publicising the identify of the witnesses. The Monitoring Officer explained that the Adjudication Panel had powers to protect the anonymity of witnesses.
Gill Murgatroyd commented that Q8 had not yet been completed. Following discussion it was agreed that the answer to Q8 would be ‘Yes’.
The recommendation in the report was moved by David Davies and seconded by Councillor Teresa Carberry.
That the draft response to the Welsh Government consultation on implementing the Penn review be agreed.