Issue - meetings

Estyn Inspection of Adult Community Learning (ACL) within the North East Wales Adult Community Learning Partnership

Meeting: 14/06/2023 - Governance and Audit Committee (Item 7)

7 Estyn Inspection of Adult Community Learning (ACL) within the North East Wales Adult Community Learning Partnership pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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That the Committee notes the findings of the Estyn Inspection and is assured by the positive outcomes for adult community learning provision in Flintshire.


The Senior Manager for School Improvement presented the report and detailed the findings from the Estyn inspection of the North East Wales Adult Community Learning (ACL) Partnership.  She provided background to the establishment of the Partnership between Flintshire and Wrexham to meet the aspirations of Welsh Government and the changing needs of adult learners by increasing capacity and maximising additional funding streams.  She set out the basis of the inspection and key findings which recognised good leadership and strong support from both councils, the range of provision and impact on learners.  The report acknowledged the Partnership’s strong vision and ability to understand its strengths and areas for improvement, as demonstrated in the four Estyn recommendations which had already been identified through the self-assessment process.  The positive outcomes meant that there was no requirement for any follow-up by Estyn who had invited the Partnership to prepare two case studies of positive practice which were published on the Estyn website.


Councillor Bernie Attridge thanked the officers for the positive report and in turn, the Senior Manager expressed her pride in the dedication and creativity of the small team and their proactive approach to accessing grant funding.


In response to questions, Rev Brian Harvey was given examples of the Partnership’s ambitious plan to increase the number of Welsh Language learners and improve skills amongst learners and the workforce.  To improve opportunities for learners to receive advice and guidance about joining the Partnership’s provision, work was ongoing with partners to develop the use of social media to meet growing demand for adult learning provision.


The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) took the opportunity to formally thank the Senior Manager for her leadership, and Dawn Spence as the Co?ordinator for the service.  She said that the Estyn report reflected the quality of teams working in the Partnership and that an annual report on adult community learning to the Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee would give assurance that progress on recommendations was being monitored.


Following a number of positive comments from Members, the Chairman asked that the team be thanked for their work and the positive outcomes, on behalf of the Committee.


The recommendation was moved by Councillor Bernie Attridge and seconded by Sally Ellis.




That the Committee notes the findings of the Estyn Inspection and is assured by the positive outcomes for adult community learning provision in Flintshire.