Issue - meetings
Planning for Dark Night Skies SPG
Meeting: 25/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 159)
159 Planning for Dark Night Skies SPG PDF 96 KB
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As detailed in the recommendation.
The Chief Officer (Planning, Environment and Economy) introduced the report and explained that Flintshire, along with Wrexham and Denbighshire Councils, had previously jointly produced and adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance relating to design and development within the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Following that, further joint guidance had been produced dealing with the specific issue of lighting and light pollution within the AONB, whose aim was to reduce the level of it in order to assist in securing dark skies status for the AONB.
The guidance had been through public consultation in all three Council areas and had been considered by the Planning Strategy Group who recommended its adoption by Cabinet. Denbighshire and Wrexham Councils had already formally adopted the guidance and to give it maximum weight as a material planning consideration, adoption was being sought by Cabinet.
Councillors Healey and Johnson welcomed the report, noting that it had been adopted by Denbighshire and Wrexham Councils.
That the recommendation of the Planning Strategy Group to formally adopt the Supplementary Planning Guidance Note Planning for Dark Night Skies be endorsed.