Issue - meetings
Parking Outside Schools and Enforcement
Meeting: 25/04/2023 - Cabinet (Item 160)
160 Parking Outside Schools and Enforcement PDF 199 KB
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As detailed in the recommendations.
Councillor Roberts introduced the report which provided an overview of the problems currently being experienced within the vicinity of the county’s schools, whilst also outlining the roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned with a view to seeking a collaborative approach and effective solution.
At the Environment and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 23rd March 2023, it was resolved that a joint Task and Finish Group should be established, which would involve elected Members from the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees, officers from both the Education and Youth and Streetscene and Transportation portfolios, the Police and Head Teachers to explore the issues in further detail and develop a collaborative and preventative approach with key stakeholders. The Task and Finish Group would report to each Overview and Scrutiny Committee in turn. Cabinet approval was therefore sought to support the creation of the group.
He thanked Members of both Committees for the high level discussion that had taken place and not referring to individual schools within wards. On representation of the Task and Finish Group, he said there needed to be Member representation from both urban and rural communities, in addition to being politically balanced.
He said there was a requirement to adhere to the Highway Code as the most important thing was the safety of children attending schools.
The Chief Officer (Education and Youth) added that it was a big issue for headteachers across the county who undertook work with pupils on keeping safe and regular reminders were sent to parents as part of regular communications. It was important to have head teacher representation on the Task and Finish Group and she appealed to all parents to drive and park responsibly.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) said there was no single solution to address the problems which were complex and would require a collaborative approach. The Terms of Reference for the Task and Finish Group were currently being drafted and would be presented to Overview and Scrutiny Committee. In response to a question from Councillor Roberts, the Chief Officer (Education and Youth) said there was a Flintshire Governors Association which provided representatives for other bodies so she would make enquiries.
Councillor Bibby supported the establishment of a Joint Task and Finish Group including the involvement of all of the stakeholders referred to above.
(a) That the historical issues associated with parking within the vicinity of schools be noted, and the responsibility of highway users in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Code be recognised;
(b) That the hierarchy of responsibility in relation to the management of traffic within the vicinity of schools be noted and the role of enforcement as a reactive measure rather than a means to prevent initial occurrence be acknowledged;
(c) That the creation of a joint Task and Finish Group, which will involve elected Members from the two Overview and Scrutiny Committees, officers from both the Education and Youth and Streetscene and Transportation portfolios, the Police and Head Teachers to explore ... view the full minutes text for item 160