Issue - meetings

Void Management

Meeting: 14/06/2023 - Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 12)

12 Void Management pdf icon PDF 138 KB

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That the update be noted.


The Service Manager – Housing Assets presented the key figures and key activities against the void action plan, as outlined in the briefing note. 


He outlined the number of new voids and those which had been completed and was pleased to report that the number of void properties had slightly decreased.  He also outlined the number of properties requiring major works and those which required minor works along with demand for the properties.  He added that the team were busy inspecting minor and major voids in preparation for the contractors, to ensure that the schedule of work remained robust.


In relation to the key activities against the void action plan and next steps, the Service Manager outlined the following:-


·         Continue to engage with Welsh Government with regards to further funding streams for 2023/24; The Service had met with all newly commissioned contractors;

·         The Training Coordinator was scheduling all required core training for the next 12 months;

·         Undertake benchmarking against other local authorities.


The Service Manager also drew the Committee’s attention to the information provided on the number of operatives within the DLO team and number of Team Leaders who managed the DLO, which had been requested by the Committee at previous meetings.


The Chair asked whether information on the performance of the external contractors was available.  The Service Manager advised that on those properties returned from external contractors, feedback on the quality of work had been excellent.


            Councillor David Evans said that whilst it was pleasing that the number of void properties had decreased, they needed to decrease at a faster pace in order to meet the targets expected.  He also expressed concern around the data for the capital district areas of voids which he felt could be interpreted as voids in some areas being completed sooner than others.


The Service Manager advised that void maintenance was spread evenly across the County.  He also commented that the number of void properties completed would increase once additional properties were handed to the external contractors.  He added that he was confident that the overall number of void properties would reduce over the next 12 months. 


Councillor David Evans moved that the update be noted.  This was seconded by Councillor Kevin Rush.   




That the update be noted.