Issue - meetings
FUL/000779/22 - Full application - Retention of general purpose storage building, stables and menage including the change of use of land for equine at land south of Drury Farm, Drury Lane, Buckley
Meeting: 26/04/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 66)
As in report
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for FUL/000779/22 - Full application - Retention of general purpose storage building, stables and menage including the change of use of land for equine at land south of Drury Farm, Drury Lane, Buckley, item 66 PDF 2 MB
- Webcast for FUL/000779/22 - A - Full application - Retention of general purpose storage building, stables and menage including the change of use of land for equine at land south of Drury Farm, Drury Lane, Buckley
That planning permission be refused, against officer recommendation, on the grounds that it impacts on the openness of the green wedge and conflicts with EN11 (size and scale of location).