Issue - meetings

Annual Performance Report 2022/23

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Annual Performance Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 223 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


The Chief Executive introduced the Annual Performance Report and explained that it reviewed the Council’s progress against the Council Priorities as detailed in the Flintshire County Council Reporting Measures 2022/23.


2022/23 had seen the Council move out of the recovery approach as part of the Covid-19 pandemic and move into a more ‘business as usual’ approach.

Performance against the Council Plan measures was positive overall with 61% of

the performance indicators meeting or exceeding target for the year and the Council was now also reporting on more ‘Actions’ and ‘Measures’ than in 2021/22; a total of 160 Actions and 111 Measures compared to 2021/22 when 144 Actions and 60 Measures were reported upon.


The Chief Executive added that the performance for 2022/23 against the Council Plan Actions and Measures were summarised in a chart in the report.  Overall progress against the actions were:


·         Good (green) progress was achieved in 77% (123) of activities

·         Satisfactory (amber) progress was achieved in 19% (31) of activities

·         Limited (red) progress was made in 4% (6) of activities


The Report would be made available via the Council’s website once published and paper copies would also be available with supporting documents.


Both Cabinet and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

had continued to consider performance areas which under-performed (downward trend and/or low quartile benchmark position) throughout 2022/23.




That the 2022/23 Annual Performance Report be approved, noting performance achieved.