Issue - meetings

Adoption of Local Toilet Strategy

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 24)

24 Local Toilet Strategy Review pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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As detailed in the recommendations.


The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced the report and explained that Flintshire’s current local toilet strategy was approved and published in May 2019.  National guidelines stated that the policy should be reviewed every two years from when the local authority last published or last reviewed its strategy, and within one year of every ordinary local government election.


The strategy review was presented at the Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (E&EOSC) on 7th March 2023 where Members supported the proposed review to the local toilet strategy and the intended approach set out in the report. The purpose of the report was to provide Cabinet Members with an update following the publication of the consultation questionnaire and how the comments raised would be addressed in the proposed action plan.


The action plan would be incorporated within the new local toilet strategy prior to opening the formal 12-week consultation on the revised Local Toilet Strategy over the summer.


The new strategy aimed to reflect the ambition of the council’s leadership to provide improved facilities for the residents and visitors of Flintshire.


The questionnaire received 687 responses with approximately 430 responses per question and a summary of the responses was provided. 


A further report, to adopt the strategy would be submitted to Cabinet in the autumn.




(a)       That the results from the questionnaire be acknowledged and the action plan presented be supported; and


(b)       That the draft revision of the Local Toilet Strategy and renewed action plan prior to the launch of the 12-week consultation be supported.