Issue - meetings

Welsh Government Consultation – Business Rates Improvement Rates Relief

Meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Welsh Government Consultation – Business Rates Improvement Rates Relief pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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As detailed in the recommendation.


Councillor Mullin introduced the report which provided information and a recommended response to a Welsh Government (WG) consultation on proposals to introduce an Improvement Business Rate Relief scheme from April 2024.


The Chief Officer (Governance) explained that the scheme aimed to support growth and investment in the tax-base. It was intended to encourage ratepayers to invest in improvements to their properties by providing short-term relief, for a period of twelve months, from the effect of a resulting rateable value increase in their Non-Domestic Rate (NDR) liability. That was to say that when a property was improved the new level of NDR based on the improved rateable value would be deferred for a year.




That the proposals of the Welsh Government consultation be noted, and the Revenues and Procurement Manager in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Governance and Corporate Services including Health and Safety and Human Resources be authorised to respond to the consultation questions as set out in the report.