Issue - meetings
Flintshire and Wrexham Public Services Board (PSB) Well-being Plan 2023-28
Meeting: 20/06/2023 - Flintshire County Council (Item 20)
20 Flintshire and Wrexham Public Services Board (PSB) Well-being Plan 2023-28 PDF 120 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Flintshire and Wrexham PSB Well-being Plan 2023-28, item 20 PDF 4 MB
- Webcast for Flintshire and Wrexham Public Services Board (PSB) Well-being Plan 2023-28
That the Flintshire and Wrexham Wellbeing Plan for approved.
The Chief Executive presented the report to share the new five year Well-being Plan for Flintshire and Wrexham PSB and seek approval from Council, as a statutory member of the PSB, for the new Plan including the well-being objectives and next steps that the Council commits to take in collaboration with its PSB partner organisations. The Chief Executive provided background information and referred to the main considerations and key strategic actions as detailed in the report.
Councillor Christine Jones spoke in support of the Well-being Plan and moved the recommendation in the report. Councillor Billy Mullin seconded the proposal.
Councillor Richard Jones referred to the resource implications as detailed in section 2 of the report, and questioned why the Welsh Government supported the PSB on a regional level instead of providing local funding for the Flintshire County Council PSB. He expressed the need for local democracy and local control.
The Chief Executive responded to the comments and concerns expressed by Councillor Jones and advised that the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 required specific public bodies to work together under a Public Services Board (PSB) to improve local economic, social, environmental, and cultural well-being. He explained that the Flintshire and Wrexham PSB Well-being Plan 2023-28 was a strategic component in delivering the objectives of the Act as required by the Welsh Government.
Councillor Bernie Attridge supported the views expressed by Councillor Jones.
In response to a question from Councillor Mike Peers around funding for administrative support, the Chief Executive explained that the funding allocated supported the salary costs of one officer in Wrexham and one officer in Flintshire in addition to off-setting the other costs associated with administrative support. .
Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of the Well-being Plan and on the need to work in collaboration with neighbouring authorities.
The Chair asked Members to vote on the recommendation in the report which had been moved and seconded.
A recorded vote was requested and the requisite number of Members supported this.
The following Councillors voted for the recommendation:
Gladys Healey, Mike Allport, Sean Bibby, Chris Bithell, Gillian Brockley, Mel Buckley, Teresa Carberry, Tina Claydon, Geoff Collett, Ron Davies, Chris Dolphin, Rosetta Dolphin, Mared Eastwood, David Evans, David Healey, Dave Hughes, Ray Hughes, Alasdair Ibbotson, Paul Johnson, Christine Jones, Simon Jones, Gina Maddison, Hilary McGuill, Ryan McKeown, Billy Mullin, Ted Palmer, Andrew Parkhurst, Michelle Perfect, Vicky Perfect, Carolyn Preece, Ian Roberts, Dan Rose, Kevin Rush, Sam Swash, Linda Thomas, Roy Wakelam, and Arnold Woolley
The following Members voted against the recommendation:
Bernie Attridge, Steve Copple Bill Crease, Rob Davies, Ian Hodge, Richard jones, Dave Mackie, Roz Mansell, Alan Marshall, Debbie Owen, Mike Peers, David Richardson, Dale Selvester, Jason Shallcross, Linda Thew, and Anthony Wren
On being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.
That the Flintshire and Wrexham Wellbeing Plan for approved.