Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2023-28

Meeting: 20/06/2023 - Flintshire County Council (Item 17)

17 Council Plan 2023-28 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That the Council Plan 2023-28 Part 1 and Part 2 documents that

outline the actions, measures and risks that underpin the Priorities, Sub-

Priorities and Well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28 be approved;



(b)       That a compelling business case be submitted to the Welsh Government to

request fair funding for Flintshire



The Chief Executive presented the report to approve the Council Plan 2023-28 Part 1 and Part 2 documents which outlined the actions, measures, and risks that

underpinned the priorities, sub-priorities and well-being objectives of the Council Plan 2023-28.  He provided background information and context and advised that the  Council Plan for 2023-28 had been reviewed and refreshed to reflect the key priorities of the Council for the five-year term of the new administration.  The ‘super-structure’ of the Plan comprised seven priorities and sub-priorities.  The seven priorities took a long-term view of recovery, projects, and ambitions, over the next five years.


The Council Plan 2023-28 would be published in a similar format to previous years, identifying actions aimed at achieving the well-being objectives, priorities and sub-priorities.  The national and regional issues/risks which could impact on the

achievement of the priorities would be identified and monitored.  Part 2 of the Council Plan would be considered by the respective Overview and Scrutiny Committees to ensure full coverage of Part 1 of the Council Plan 2023-28 and its respective measures and targets.


Councillor Ian Roberts spoke in support of the Plan.  In recommending approval of the Council Plan, and Part 1 and  Part 2 documents, he referred to the priorities, well-being objectives, and sub-priorities as detailed in the report.   Councillor Billy Mullin seconded the proposal.


Councillor Richard Jones referred to the questions which had been raised on the Council Plan following consideration by the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee and asked for confirmation that the amendments recommended by the Committee had been incorporated in the Plan.  The Chief Executive responded that the changes had been considered and were made where necessary.  Councillor Jones referred to the specific questions he had raised on the Plan and the the responses he had received.


Councillor Richard Jones proposed the following amendments to the Council Plan and this was seconded by Councillor Bernie Attridge. 


  • Page 46  – Local Dementia strategy - Establishing a Dementia Strategy Implementation Group, to include representation from people with lived experience – by March 2024.  Councillor Jones proposed that the target date be brought forward to December 2023.


  • Page 90  – Safeguarding – Councillor Jones proposed that the target for adult safeguarding referrals within 7 days be increased from 92% to 96% 


Councillor Mike Peers commented on the format of the Council Plan which he said could be improved.  He suggested that the improvement measures were included immediately following the Council Plan item.  He also referred to page 38 of the report and the priority Fuel Poverty and said that an estimate was needed of the number of homes and cost for reducing the risk of fuel poverty for residents by increasing the energy efficiency of homes. 


Councillor Peers referred to the priority Housing Support and Homeless Prevention and drew attention to the June 2023 target date for Identifying a site for a young person’s homeless hub offering accommodation and support services.  He also referred to the priority A Well Managed Council, sub-priority  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17