Issue - meetings

School IT

Meeting: 13/07/2023 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 18)

18 School IT pdf icon PDF 47 KB

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That the update be noted.


            The IT Infrastructure Services Manager outlined the work undertaken by his team in Schools with regards to IT support and infrastructure. The Briefing Note contained information on the national infrastructure challenges and the Public Sector Broadband Aggregation Network (PSBA) which provided internet access to all schools and the Council. Background information on the Briefing Note in terms of how the services were delivered and recent infrastructure challenges were highlighted together with the mitigations undertaken.


            Councillor Bill Crease thanked the Infrastructure Services Manager for the Briefing Note. He reported on a recent visit to a school where he was a school governor and the consistent issues faced by staff which was accessing the system using the WiFi service within the school. This was throughout the school, and he felt it was either the infrastructure within the school or that the set up of the devices accessing the service needing checking. The Infrastructure Services Manager agreed to speak to Councillor Crease outside of the meeting to obtain more detail and speak to the school. All schools had received significant investment in IT infrastructure, wireless and end use devices with millions spent across Wales. He was more than happy to pick this up to establish why the school was affected in this way.


            The Chief Officer (Education & Youth) asked the IT Infrastructure Services Manager if the school should have escalated this through the schools IT Technician arrangements. The IT Infrastructure Services Manager confirmed that that was correct but he wanted to investigate it further. Councillor Crease thanked the Service Manager and said the amount of equipment in the school was fabulous with the main difficulty getting the device onto the system.




That the update be noted.