Issue - meetings

Rolling Review of the Employees Code of Conduct

Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Constitution and Democratic Services Committee (Item 12)

12 Rolling Review of the Employees Code of Conduct pdf icon PDF 84 KB

As part of the rolling review of the Constitution, we need to consider whether the Employees Code of Conduct needs any amendments to keep it up to date.

Additional documents:




That subject to the additional amendment above the Committee recommends the proposed changes to Full Council for adoption.



The Chief Officer (Governance) presented the report.  He provided background information  and advised that the Standards Committee had recently reviewed the Employees Code of Conduct and recommended changes. The changes were shown in Appendix 1 as tracked changes and Appendix 2 as a “clean version”.  The Chief Officer reported on the key points as detailed in the report.


Councillor Alasdair Ibbotson referred to Appendix 1, section 2.3, regarding Contract Procedure Rules, and expressed concern that there was a lack of reference in section 8 to Contract Procedure Rules.  He proposed that a reference to “complying with all the procedures set out in Section 8 of the Employees Code of Conduct” be included in Section 2.3.  He also suggested that the same reference be applied to section 5.4.  The proposal was seconded by Councillor Ted Palmer and when put to the vote was carried.


The Chief Officer provided explanation in response to the further questions and comments raised by Councillor Ibbotson concerning the request in Section 8.9 that Chief Officers and those Managers reporting directly to them, and employees with delegated powers, will be asked to voluntarily register their membership of all clubs, societies, and organisations.


Councillor Paul Johnson referred to section 2.5 - employees in contractor or client units must exercise fairness and impartiality when dealing with all customers, suppliers, other contractors and sub-contractors. and sought clarification on the requirements of ‘impartiality’ and ‘fairness’.  The Chief Officer provided explanation and commented on the wide range of considerations which were dependent on the circumstances or function.




That subject to the additional amendment above the Committee recommends the proposed changes to Full Council for adoption.