Issue - meetings

Strategic Capital Plan Prioritisation

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 23)

23 Strategic Capital Plan Prioritisation pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


(a)       That Members note the requirement for a ten-year Strategic Capital Plan for North Wales and the associated prioritisation and business case processes required to secure Welsh Government funding; and


(b)       That the Committee recommends Cabinet approval for participation in the plan and its strategic intent.


The Senior Manager Children and Workforce gave background to the report stating that the six regions within Wales had been tasked by Welsh Government (WG) to develop a 10 Year Strategic Capital Plan (SCP) to summarise the key development required by health and social care partners with other key stakeholders to meet primary and community health and social care needs, specifically where WG funding would be needed to support those developments. Each region had to have a Regional Partnership Board (RPB) where strategic leaders in public services, third sector and the independent sector came together to create an effective service for the people within that region. It was the RPB which would need to oversee the implementation of the plan.  He explained that new funding programmes had been set up and that this report provided an update on the 10 Year plan and how it was going to be taken forward.  He handed over to the Programme Manager (East) - Community Services to explain how they ensured that the capital developments complimented, supported and met the needs of Flintshire residents.


The Programme Manager (East) - Community Services first gave apologies on behalf of the report author who was the Flintshire lead officer for the Regional Integrated Fund.   She explained that the Regional Integration Fund (RIF) had replaced the Integrated Care Fund (ICF) in 2022 and that it contained both revenue and capital funding elements.  She reminded Members that this report was to update them on the new process to develop a 10 Year SCP for capital developments that met the needs of the Health and Social Care agenda for North Wales which were based on the funding from the following capital funds:-


·         Housing with Care Fund (HCF) - WG grant fund for capital projects that increased the stock of housing provision to meet the needs of people with care and support needs

·         Integration and Rebalancing Capital Fund (IRCF) - WG grant fund for capital projects that delivered integrated health and social care community hubs and centres service hubs or rebalanced the care market by investing in community settings and residential care premises.


She clarified that the report was not to seek agreement for capital development or funding but was for Members to understand the new process and requirement to develop a 10 year plan.   She advised that the Flintshire schemes that were identified to go into the plan had already been approved and part of the capital asset programme.


Councillor Christine Jones confirmed to Councillor Woolley that, as stated in the report, it had not been to Cabinet and that discussions today would be reported at the next Cabinet meeting.


Councillor Mackie raised concerns and sought clarification about the Regional Plan being based upon the North Wales Population Needs Assessment and the difficult process that was needed in order to bring forward Capital Projects based upon the 10 Year plan. Councillor Christine Jones agreed that the process was complicated and that it was an item on the agenda for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23