Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (E&E OSC)
Meeting: 10/10/2023 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)
33 Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
- Enc. 1 for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (E&E OSC), item 33 PDF 76 KB
- Enc. 2 for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (E&E OSC), item 33 PDF 42 KB
- Webcast for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking
(a) That subject to the above amendment the Forward Work Programme be approved;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions
The Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator presented the Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking report. She drew attention to the Integrated Transport Strategy Workshop to be held on 18 October, and said a report to provide an update on the Strategy would also be presented to the Committee at the meeting to be held on 12 December 2023.
The Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator referred to the Action Tracking report and advised that the one outstanding action had been completed and a report on Enforcement would be scheduled into the Forward Work Programme.
Members were invited to raise any further items to include on the Programme. The Chair asked that the item on Missed Collections and Fleet Reliability which was to be considered during this meeting be removed from the Programme for the meeting on 12 December 2023.
Councillor Richard Lloyd moved the recommendations in the report and this was seconded by Councillor David Coggins-Cogan.
(a) That subject to the above amendment the Forward Work Programme be approved;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the Committee notes the progress made in completing the outstanding actions