Issue - meetings
Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking (EY&C OSC)
Meeting: 19/10/2023 - Education, Youth & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 30)
30 Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking PDF 82 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 – Draft Forward Work Programme, item 30
- Appendix 2 – Action Tracking for the Education Youth & Culture OSC, item 30
- Webcast for Forward Work Programme and Action Tracking
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be noted;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as the need arises; and
(c) That the progress made in completing the outstanding actions be noted.
In presenting the report, the Overview & Scrutiny Facilitator outlined the items listed on the Forward Work Programme which was attached at Appendix 1. There were no proposed changes, but Members were referred to the additional items included for the 1February 2024 meeting.
Referring to the Action Tracking report at Appendix 2 it was confirmed that a workshop was being arranged to look at the new menu which would be attended by the Chair and Vice Chair, with feedback provided to the Committee. With regard to the Self-Evaluation Report Education Services 2022-23 it was confirmed that Jennie Williams would be preparing a Briefing Note on the school condition grades which would be circulated to the Committee.
Councillor Dave Mackie referred to the training data appendix from the GwE Annual Report, which had been circulated to the Committee following the last meeting. He explained that the information that he had requested had been as follows:-
• What training was being offered to teachers in Flintshire;
• What training was being devised;
• What was the purpose of the training;
• How many people were expected to attend the training.
Councillor Mackie asked if the training data document could be refined to include the above information explaining that he would be happy to meet with officers to discuss this. The Facilitator agreed to pick this up with officers following the meeting.
Councillor Mackie also referred to Out of County Placements and reflected on a workshop held a number of years ago which had been helpful. He asked if this could be included on the FWP for Members to gain a better understand of what was involved and also maybe assist with possible solutions to the budget pressure. He also suggested that a workshop be provided to Members on Out of County Placements following every County Council election.
The Facilitator advised that Out of County Placements fell under the terms of reference of the Social & Health Care Overview & Scrutiny Committee. She agreed to pass on the request following the meeting and ask that the Committee be invited to any consideration on this matter. With regard to the request for a workshop she agreed to speak to the Democratic Services Manager to ask that it was included on the forward planning for future workshops for Members.
Councillor Gladys Healey spoke in support of the comments made by Councillor Mackie around Out of County Placement and referred to a proposal within her ward which would support young people and assist with reducing the budget overspend. She asked if an update could be provided on this. The Facilitator agreed to speak to officers in Social Services with regard to Councillor Healey’s request for information.
The recommendations, as outlined within the report, were moved by Councillor Arnold Woolley and seconded by Councillor Dave Mackie.
(a) That the Forward Work Programme be noted;
(b) That the Facilitator, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, be authorised to vary the Forward Work Programme between meetings, as ... view the full minutes text for item 30