Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy Action Plan Performance Update

Meeting: 13/09/2023 - Community & Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 33)

33 Housing Strategy Action Plan Performance Update pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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That the Committee note the following changes outlined in the report:-


·         The Planned Development Delivery Programme (PDP) process and the move to an online portal;

·         The removal of the 20% limitation on the budget for acquisitions; and

·         The alignment of standards and intervention rate for acquisitions under Social Housing Grant (SHG) with those from Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP).


The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager introduced the report to provide an update on the delivery of the Housing Strategy Delivery Plan 2019-2024 with particular emphasis on financial year 2022/23.  The Housing Strategy had a delivery plan which set out 3 strategic priorities and related activity to achieve those priorities.


An internal Audit was undertaken in 2022/23 – Right Types of Home in the Right Location – Housing and Communities.  The final report dates March 2022/23 was rated amber/green: key controls generally operating effectively but with recommendations in relation to some fine tuning which had been implemented, including the creation of a risk register.  Schemes were appraised on a regular basis to ensure that where possible, risks were identified at an early stage and mitigating actions were taken to ensure the timely delivery of the schemes within the Delivery Plan. 


The Strategic Housing & Programme Delivery Manager reported that the cost of living pressures and the impacts of the War in Ukraine were continuing to place significant cost and availability pressures placed on labour and materials.  There was also a continued risk of increased demand on homeless prevention services as termination notices had risen.


The recommendation, as outlined within the report, was moved by Councillor Dennis Hutchinson and seconded by Councillor Ray Hughes.




That the Committee note the following changes outlined in the report:-


·         The Planned Development Delivery Programme (PDP) process and the move to an online portal;

·         The removal of the 20% limitation on the budget for acquisitions; and

·         The alignment of standards and intervention rate for acquisitions under Social Housing Grant (SHG) with those from Transitional Accommodation Capital Programme (TACP)