Issue - meetings
Review of Winter Maintenance
Meeting: 12/09/2023 - Environment & Economy Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)
26 Review of Winter Maintenance PDF 125 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Review of Winter Maintenance, item 26
- Webcast for Review of Winter Maintenance
(a) That the refreshed winter maintenance service policy as presented in this report and attached as Appendix 1 be noted;
(b) That the portfolio’s response to adverse weather events over the Winter season 2022-2023 be noted;
(c) That the continued need to maintain the revenue budget at present levels along with earmarked reserves of £250k be suppported; and
(d) That a further report be presented to the Committee in 2024 following a
review of the 2023-2024 season by the weather forecasting provider in relation to geographically specific treatment decision making.
The Chief Officer (Streetscene and Transportation) introduced the report to seek approval of the revised Winter Maintenance Policy which included details of the Council’s response during other emergency inclement weather events.
The Chief Officer provided background information and asked the Highway Network Manager to present the report which outlined the current winter maintenance policy (Appendix 1), the legislative requirements for providing such a service, and the actions taken by the Streetscene and Transportation portfolio to support winter service operations. In addition, the report outlined the County’s response to other adverse weather events, such as heavy rainfall and high winds.
Councillor Roy Wakelam referred to section 3.3.1 within the Winter Maintenance Policy regarding de-icing materials which suggested the gritting contract had expired. The Highway Network Manager advised that there was error within the Policy and would advise the Committee of the new contract dates. He added that the contract was negotiated on a national basis.
Councillor Mike Peers referred to the duty “to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice” (Highways Act 1980, Section A1 (TA, and drew attention to a road which was exposed to ice conditions due to surface water retention. Officers responded to the further questions and concerns raised by Councillor Peers around salt bins, weather stations, priority of roads, and agricultural contractors. The Chief Officer provided explanation around the use of forecasting from weather stations, and prioritising of important and strategic risk routes.
Officers also responded to the questions raised by Councillor Richard Lloyd concerning the allocation of salt bins, deployment of sand bags in areas known to be at risk of flooding, and recruitment of drivers.
Officers responded to a question from the Chair on the anticipated impact on service delivery due to the Welsh Government’s introduction of a 20mph speed limit on restricted roads across Wales.
The recommendation in the report was moved by Councillor Mike Peers and seconded by Councillor Ray Wakelam.
(a) That the refreshed winter maintenance service policy as presented in this report and attached as Appendix 1 be noted;
(b) That the portfolio’s response to adverse weather events over the Winter season 2022-2023 be noted;
(c) That the continued need to maintain the revenue budget at present levels along with earmarked reserves of £250k be suppported; and
(d) That a further report be presented to the Committee in 2024 following a
review of the 2023-2024 season by the weather forecasting provider in relation to geographically specific treatment decision making.